Dear Researchers, Professionals, Scientists and Engineers

We would like to invite you to submit a manuscript of latest research results to be published in the Electronic Journal of Education, Social Economics and Technology (eJESET). The journal aims to provide an international platform for researchers, professionals and scientists for solve of problems with multidisciplinary approaches on all topics related to educational, social science, economics and technology to exchange, sharing and disseminate theoretical of current research results as widely as possible.
eJESET received of manuscripts from various countries in the world that have high-quality on all topics related to fields of Educational, Social Science, Economics and Technology.
Papers must be written in English and follow Author Guidelines for initial review stage by editors and further review process by reviewers. Please see Author Guidelines here
Deadlines for papers submission:

FOR VOLUME 6, Year 2025

For Publish Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025), submission DEADLINE: 30 March 2025 (Open Submission)

For Publish Vol. 6 No. 2 (2025), submission DEADLINE: 30 August 2025 (Open Submission)

Please submit your paper to through ONLINE SUBMISSION
If any problems, please send your manuscript to email: editor.ejeset@gmail.com
Best regards

eJESET Editorial Team