Overview of the history of the eJESET Journal
Electronic Journal of Education, Social Economics and Technology (eJESET) ISSN 2723-6250 (online) published by SAINTIS Publishing (CV) starting from Volume 1, No. 1 Year 2020 under old domain http://ejeset.org. However, along the way, it encountered many technical problems, especially that about web security and hosting capabilities, so must migration to new domain under URL Publisher http://ejeset.saintispub.com. This migration was carried out in order to optimize professional management and meet good security standards for hosting journals.
What will change:
- The old web address of the journal will change to new URL and you can visit eJESET at http://ejeset.saintispub.com
- Published URLs will change. But you can easily find new URLs by replacing http://ejeset.org by http://ejeset.saintispub.com
What will not change:
- Journal name and content will not change.
- DOI of a published article will not change. Your journal and publication will continue.
- ISSN, and other indexing will not change.
- Logos, cover and look and feel of the website will not change.
- Our email id ; editor.ejeset@gmail.com will not change.