Hibualamo as a Forum in Realizing Religious Moderation and Structuring the Social Life of the Tobelo Ethnic Community

(1) IAIN Ternate, Maluku Utara, 97727, Indonesia
(2) SMPN 14 Maba, Halmahera Timur Maluku Utara, Indonesia
(3) MIS Cemara Jaya KEC. Wasile Halmahera Timur, Maluku Utara,
(4) Raudhatul Atfal An-Nur Bobo Tidore Kepulauan,Maluku Utara, Indonesia
(5) IAIN Ternate, Maluku Utara, 97727, Indonesia
(6) IAIN Ternate, Maluku Utara, 97727, Indonesia

AbstractThis research examines the role of Hibua Lamo as a forum in realizing religious moderation and structuring the social life of the Tobelo ethnic community. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data was obtained through in-depth interviews with key informants such as cultural figures, Islamic and Christian religious leaders, academics, and bureaucrats from Tobelo and Galela ethnicities. The analysis was conducted qualitatively and elaborated with relevant theories. The results show that the Hibua Lamo philosophy, which includes the values of O'Odora (unlimited love), O'Diai (mutual improvement), O'Adili (justice for all), O'Hayangi (mutual love), and O'Balihara (mutual care), is still strong in the lives of the Tobelo ethnic group. This philosophy has been the basis for religious moderation since the introduction of Islam, Protestant Christianity and Catholicism in Tobelo and Galela, which were accepted by custom and given room to grow. Even in one big family, these religions coexist. Hibua Lamo also became a reference in organizing the social life of modern Tobelo and Galela communities, by forming organizations according to the government structure in North Maluku. These organizations act as unifying symbols and customary symbols that strengthen the Tobelo and Galela ethnicities as the largest ethnic groups in the region.
KeywordsHibua Lamo; Religious Moderation; Social Structuring
Article DOIDOI: https://doi.org/10.33122/ejeset.v5i2.323 |
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Article PagesPages: 190-196 |
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